Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fights at the Feeder

There have been big fights and crowding at the bird feeder these last few days. I have had a red headed woodpecker coming to feed. He is so big her can barely hang on long enough to get the food. I have also had tons of a bird I have never seen here, a house finch, which is a beautiful red color, like a toned down tiny cardinal. Needless to say, the cats have crowded around "cat TV" for the Christmas special. Tato has even been napping on the table in front of the window, like falling asleep watching TV.

1 comment:

  1. We run a 24-hour bird diner around here too, and it has been hopping! I like your commentary, especially about the Cat TV. Ours is certainly enjoying watching!

    Where did you get that gorgeous bird feeder? I want one!!! (Do you have trouble with squirrels at it though?)
